Staff vs. Travel Nursing vs. Per Diem—Which Nursing Job is Right For You?

5 Min Read Published November 12, 2024
Staff vs. Travel Nursing vs. Per Diem—Which Nursing Job is Right For You?

Podcast Episode

>>Listen to "Staff vs. Travel Nursing vs. Per Diem, Which Nurse Job is Right For You? (With Zac Shepherd and Caitlyn Obrock)"

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In the changing landscape of nursing, it’s more important than ever for us to approach our careers with the right mentality. Being strategic about decision-making, understanding the different options available to us, and making informed career moves can empower nurses as we progress throughout our nursing journey. I've learned that firsthand during my time as an ICU nurse and travel nurse with Aya Healthcare—my journey has taught me the importance of being proactive and of “owning the choices” I make in my career.

Attention RNs: Travel Nurses Needed for US Contracts!

Travel Nurses Needed for US Contracts!

For this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Caitlyn Obrock, RN, and System Talent Director at SSM Health, as we discussed the nursing career path and a shift in mindset in nursing. Caitlyn has a wide range of firsthand experience in nursing, from bedside care to management to leadership. One of the things that immediately stood out in our conversation was that while contrasting the different paths we’d taken, we both came to many of the same conclusions.

Deciding To Make a Shift 

Looking at my own career, I started in 2013 as a bedside nurse, and about five years in, I reached a point where I felt stuck. I wasn’t sure if I should go back to school, try travel nursing, or leave the bedside altogether. After a lot of research and deliberation, I decided to give travel nursing a shot. Ultimately that is a choice I’m so glad I made, but not just for the new experiences or adventure that traveling gave me, but the way travel nursing gave me a new perspective on my career. That new perspective led to a shift in my mindset about my career, and it has informed every career decision I’ve made since.

For Caitlyn, a similar shift happened when she transitioned out of the ICU after the pandemic. She thought that moving to an 8-5 standardized schedule in an employee health role would be the change she needed. But after a couple of months, she quickly realized it wasn’t for her. She shares, “I learned a lot about myself during that time. There’s a season for every part of life, and that’s true for nursing too.” She realized that the “grass wasn’t always greener” and that she missed many aspects of her bedside nursing role. For her, that realization led her back to the ICU and eventually opened the door to her leadership role — a completely different position that now fills her cup in ways she didn’t expect. But taking that step helped her gain perspective on her career. 

Tips To Help You Decide Your Career Next Steps

This leads us to a reality that every nurse faces, which is that navigating our careers requires perspective, knowledge and strategy! Pulling from our conversation, here are some important things to consider when you reflect on your needs and desires for your nursing career:

  • Self-Assessment: First, we have to be honest with ourselves. Ask the hard questions like, 
    • "Am I happy in my current role? 
    • Is this job meeting my needs? 
    • What do I need right now in my career?” 
    • The answers to these questions will certainly change throughout our careers and lives, and that’s okay! It starts with taking the time to evaluate and be real with ourselves.
  • Research and Mentorship: Knowledge is power — and staying informed is critical. Right now, we have more access to information than ever before — whether it’s through platforms like, online forums, job boards, or a trusted colleague. Get a better idea of the experiences and options that are available! At the same time, another important pillar to success in your career path is listening to the experts in those areas. For example, Caitlyn emphasized the importance of nursing mentorship in her transition to leadership, and for me, an Aya Healthcare recruiter was a key voice in my journey.
  • Partnership: The agency or organization we choose to work with plays a huge role in our career satisfaction. In my case, partnering with Aya Healthcare during my travel nurse journey was a pivotal moment that radically changed my career trajectory. I felt that by selecting an organization like Aya, I was choosing a partner who cared about my goals, supported my journey, and helped me take control of my career. Finding the right partner matters. Caitlyn echoed this sentiment in her experience with SSM Health, sharing how nurses there are empowered to make decisions — whether it’s designing recruitment models or improving workflows like Epic flow sheets. No matter what type of nursing role you’re looking for, it’s key to partner with an organization that aligns with your values and personal goals in your nursing practice.
  • Taking the Leap: Once you’ve done the work to evaluate, research your options/potential partners, and learn from the experts — for some, the hardest part can be taking the leap. I know from personal experience that taking that “next step” — whether it’s a new role, new facility, or new area — requires embracing the uncertainty. Personally, I’ve found the resilience that I gained as a nurse has helped me immensely when that time came in my journey. And remember, even if you step into that role, give it your best shot in good faith, and it’s not the right fit, it can still be a springboard into the next thing — just like the employee health journey Caitlyn shared.

The truth facing all nurses is that the nursing career landscape is dynamic, and we have to remain flexible, looking ahead at our next steps while keeping our connection to the deeper purpose of nursing in mind. Caitlyn said it best: “There’s always going to be a place for you in nursing.” The best way to find that place for you is by staying informed, partnering with the right organizations, and never being afraid to take that leap. We hold the power to shape our career paths. 

Whether it’s through rooting down in your current role, travel nursing, a nursing leadership role, or something else — taking control of your journey will help you thrive in this evolving field.

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Connect with Zac on social media:
Instagram: @zacshepherdrn
TikTok: @zacshepherdrn

Zachary Shepherd
Zachary Shepherd
Host, Nurse Converse Podcast

A lifelong commitment to healthcare defines Zac. From accompanying his father on hospital rounds as a child to working as an MA and phlebotomist in a clinic as a teenager and working in care homes for the intellectually disabled throughout college, healthcare has always been his passion. That passion led Zac to nursing, where he's dedicated the past 11 years of his career to direct patient care as a bedside nurse in the ICU specialty. After spending the first five years of his nursing career as a staff RN in an ICU in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, Zac transitioned to travel nursing. He has spent the last 6 years as a traveler, working across the US as an ICU nurse, completing nearly 30 assignments in over 20 hospitals. During the pandemic, Zac worked on the frontlines in the most heavily affected areas across the US and began sharing his experiences through writing. A social media post he wrote was published as an op-ed in a nationally syndicated news publication, leading to more opportunities to write and advocate for clinicians. Starting in August 2023, Zac joined Aya Healthcare full-time as Nurse Fellow. In this role, he helps innovate and enhance the clinician experience, creates content and practical resources for clinicians, educates them about the changing healthcare landscape, and helps provide insight to Aya's infrastructure from a clinician's perspective.

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