30 Top Nursing Interview Questions & Answers | 2024

30 Min Read Published April 30, 2024
Nurse interview questions & answers

Wondering which nursing interview questions you might be asked at your next job interview? You've come to the right place. Read on for the top nursing interview questions and answers to help you nail that next interview. 

Types of Nursing Interview Questions

Healthcare employers tend to lean towards asking behavioral-based interview questions.

Behavioral-based questions are about how you acted in a specific situation. The goal is to gauge how you react under different circumstances. It is best to answer these questions with real-life stories and examples.

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Nursing Interview Question Themes

Most behavioral interview questions asked of nurses are based on the following themes: 

  • Teamwork
  • Patient-care
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Communication style
  • Motivation and core values

How to Answer Behavioral-Based Questions

When telling stories during interviews, we suggest using the S-T-A-R format - this will ensure your story is direct, concise and to the point. So, what does the acronym S-T-A-R stand for?





You can learn more about answering interview questions by using the S-T-A-R format by reading our complete guide to nursing interviews. 

30 Common Nursing Interview Questions & Answers

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Teamwork

Interviewers want to envision how you will fit in with their team and how you work well with various personalities. We suggest telling a story about a time you dealt with a co-worker who had a conflicting personality, a disagreement within your healthcare team, or a challenging patient case involving your team. Always remember to talk about what you learned from the situation and if anything positive came from it. 

1. Describe a situation when you had to work closely with a difficult coworker. How did you handle the situation? Were you able to build a relationship with this person?

Never talk badly about anyone during an interview. Explain the situation and why the individual was difficult. Share how you handled the situation. Try to turn anything negative into a positive. What did you learn from the situation? What might you do differently now? What was the “silver lining”? Were you able to talk through your differences? Did you become friends? 

Sample answer:

Working closely with difficult coworkers can be challenging, but it is important to remember the patient, their care, and their family is most important. Putting aside differences is essential for all nurses because not everyone is the same. Sometimes this means not discussing specific topics such as religion or politics at work. With that being said, not everyone will become friends in the workplace but working together is key for the successful care of patients.

2. Talk about a conflict within your healthcare team. What was the conflict, and how did you handle it?

Explain the conflict surrounding the situation. Who was involved? What was your role? Did anything positive come from this? What did you learn? 

Sample answer:

Conflict often occurs in the hospital setting, particularly between new nurses and more seasoned staff, as well as doctors and nurses. At one specific time, there was concern from a parent that a newer nurse was not monitoring a patient’s breathing postoperatively as closely as she would have liked.

I was covering the nurse for lunch and the mother brought her concerns to me. I discussed and validated her concerns. Once the nurse was back from lunch, I spoke with her regarding the mother’s concerns. The nurse was very upset and felt it was not my place to say anything to her regarding this. A parent or patient’s concerns should never be dismissed. I spoke to the nurse educator on the unit to use the opportunity as a teaching moment.

3. Describe a time when you were particularly proud of your healthcare team. What was your role in this situation? 

Describe the circumstances and actions step-by-step. What happened to make you feel proud? What was your role? Who was involved? What was the result? 

Sample answer:

Working in the ICU setting, there are countless moments that make me proud to be a nurse and proud to be part of this amazing community. Watching a patient survive a code, take their first steps on prosthetic legs, or be in the room when a patient I tell is receiving a new heart is the moment we all want to be a part of. Even if I am not delivering the news or caring personally, the information my patient receives directly affects me.

4. Tell me about a time you stepped into a leadership role.

This doesn’t need to be anything official. Think about a time when you stepped up to the plate and took charge of a situation. What was the circumstance? What made you take the lead? Who was involved? Did any opportunities arise from this situation? 

Sample answer:

I have acted as a charge nurse numerous times in my career. I have had to lead code teams, respond to rapid responses, and make difficult staffing decisions. As a charge nurse I have determined patient assignments to ensure that assignments are fair and equal. Furthermore, I have to ensure that the nurses’ skill set is sufficient for the assignment.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Patient Care 

Healthcare hiring professionals want to hire nurses who provide excellent patient care. Education is of utmost importance to healthcare employers. We suggest telling stories about times you provided top-notch patient care or went out of your way to educate patients and/or their families. 

1. Tell me about a time when a patient’s family was dissatisfied with your care. How did you handle that situation?

Make sure to explain the situation in detail, including both perspectives (the patient’s family and yours). Never talk badly about patients or their families. Take ownership if you indeed did something wrong. Share any positives that came from this - what did you learn? What would you do differently now? How did you turn this into a positive? 

Sample answer:

I once was floated to a unit that I had never worked in and wasn’t sure where supplies were located. The patient's mother did not recognize me as a regular floor nurse on the unit, which already made the family leery of me from the start of the shift. I continually had to prove myself throughout the day because, as nurses, we all do things slightly differently.

There is not always a wrong way or a right way to do things but in this case, there was a policy to be followed. I followed it, and apparently, my dressing change was slightly different than the previous ones. I communicated regularly with the charge nurse, and she came to check in with the family to address any issues in real time.

2. What approach do you take in communicating with people who do not know medical jargon? Give an example of a time you explained medical terminology to someone who is not medically trained.

Explain step-by-step how you’ve performed in a similar situation. What specific words and terminology did you use? How did you know that the individual understood your explanation? 

Sample answer:

It is imperative that we use simple words for our patients and families who are not medically trained and utilize a teach-back method to ensure they understand the information that is communicated to them. I once had to explain post-operative care to a family whose child had tonsil surgery. I had to use words such as poop instead of bowel movement. I used Tylenol instead of acetaminophen.

3. Describe a time you provided effective patient or family education.

Tell a story about a time when you knew your patient or family retained your teachings. How did you know that you effectively communicated the piece of education? 

Sample answer:

After teaching families, I ask them to repeat the information in their own words. Using a teach-back method allows nurses to know if families truly understood the information that was given to them. It is also important to provide the family with written educational material and use other forms of education, such as videos or hands-on, when possible.

I taught a family post-operative spine care after a posterior spinal fusion. The parents were able to properly demonstrate how to transfer their child from the bed to the chair. In doing so, I was able to determine that they had retained the information.

4. Talk about a time a patient or their family was particularly pleased and appreciative of your care.

Tell a story about a family who was happy with your care. What did you do in particular that they were pleased with? How did you know they were happy? What were the results of this situation?

Sample answer:

Working in pediatrics can be challenging but also very rewarding. There are times when parents are unable to stay at the bedside 24/7 because of work, other children, or previous commitments.

I was taking care of a 6-month-old twin during a specific shift. The family was unable to be at the bedside because the father had to work, and the mother was at home with the twin sister and the other children. I spent my shift playing with the infant with age-appropriate toys, and when the mother called to check in – I put the phone next to the infant. The mother was able to hear her baby laughing while singing to her. This brought them closer together and the mother to tears. She stated that no other nurse had done that during the hospitalization, and she was eternally grateful.

5. Give an example of a time you had to interact with a hostile patient. How did you handle the situation, and what was the outcome? 

Tell a story about a hostile patient and your step-by-step actions. What was the patient doing that was hostile? How did you react? How did you feel? What procedures did you follow to interact with the patient? What was the result of your actions? 

Sample answer:

Unfortunately, hostile patients often are part of the job. It’s important to remember some of the patients are being hostile because they are in pain, away from family, and in the hospital setting.

There was a time when a patient refused to take her medication. I tried everything, but she would spit them out at me when she tried to take them. Because of this behavior, I involved my charge nurse, the physician in charge of her care, and the social worker.

After many conversations and phone calls, it was determined the patient was spitting the medication out because she liked it mixed in chocolate pudding. The woman was elderly and suffered from dementia. It was only after speaking with the social worker that we learned of her medication preference. She was not able to communicate with us her wants and needs and this led to hostility.

6. Describe a time you were faced with a patient who chose not to communicate or disclose important information. How did you handle the situation, and what was the outcome? 

Tell a story about a patient you worked with in a similar situation. What step-by-step actions did you take to obtain the information from the patient? What were the results of your actions? 

Sample answer:

A parent once didn’t disclose that the father of the child was not her current boyfriend. This was important as the patient was going to need consent forms signed, and legally, this boyfriend was not able to sign the consent forms. Additionally, there was a man calling the unit, claiming to be the father of the child. Social work and the nurse manager were notified.

Through an open conversation, the mother disclosed the correct identity of the father. While I personally did not discover the information, it is essential to know the resources that are available to you and utilize them to the best of your ability.

Interviewing isn’t easy—for anyone! It’s important to be overly prepared to put your best foot forward during every stage of the process. Nurse.org put together this super helpful workbook packed full of exercises, sample questions, and checklists to help you ace your next interview.

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Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Adaptability

The nursing profession is one of constant urgency, crisis, and uncertainty. Tell stories of challenges and follow up with key takeaways and learned lessons. 

1. Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on, and how did you get through it? 

Tell a story about a time you were stressed and under pressure to perform. Explain the situation and why you felt pressured. Describe step-by-step the actions you took to make it through the situation. What was the result? What did you learn? What might you do differently now? 

Sample answer:

I was the most senior nurse in the unit by over a decade. I had to handle my patient assignments and act as a resource to the other newer nurses on the unit. I had to make sure my time management was great, as well as my ability to drop everything and help someone else. I had to stay organized; otherwise, I would not have been able to assist others.

2. Describe a time when your facility was undergoing some change. How did that impact you, and how did you adapt? 

Talk about a time your facility changed. Maybe they were acquired by another facility. Perhaps they transitioned to a new computer system. Describe the change and the steps you took to adapt to such change. 

Sample answer:

One healthcare system I worked for switched from paper charting to electronic medical records and computerized charting. This transition was confusing and often overwhelming. I was able to adapt quickly, but unfortunately, some of my coworkers were not able to.

3. Tell me about a time when you didn’t know the answer to something at work. How did you go about finding the information? 

Tell a story about a time when you did not know the answer. Explain step-by-step the action you took to find the information. Talk about the result of your actions. 

Sample answer:

As nurses, there is no way that we can possibly know everything. Knowing where to go for help is the first step. At the beginning of every shift, I identify a nurse that I can use as a resource, such as the charge nurse, nurse educator, or unit resource nurse. This individual is generally someone who is more senior with an advanced skill set.

If I am unable to get the answer from them or they are busy I look at the healthcare systems policy and procedure manager. If there is a concern regarding a medication dosage or interaction, I look to Lexi-Comp.

4. Give me an example of an awkward situation at work. How did you remove yourself from the situation?  

Tell a story about an uncomfortable situation. What was the situation, and why did it feel awkward? Explain the steps you took to leave the situation. What were the results of your actions? What did you learn? 

Sample answer:

I once had a teenage male patient make very inappropriate sexual comments towards me. At first, I ignored them, thinking it was a one-time thing. The second time, I told him that the comments were inappropriate and I did not want him to say those things to me. The third time, I left the patient’s room and went directly to the charge nurse.

I explained the situation and how uncomfortable I was in caring for the patient. She gathered a team to speak to the patient. My assignment was switched for the remainder of the shift.

5. Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with this situation?

Share a story about when you experience failure. Talk about your feelings and why you felt that you failed. Discuss anything positive that came from this failure. What did you learn from failing? What might you do differently now? 

Sample answer:

Failing is one of the worst feelings in the world, either professionally or personally. Working in the ICU setting, patients die. We fail them when this happens. I fail them when this happens.

After every death, there is a debriefing to discuss what went well and what could have been done differently. I took that time to reflect on my participation in the event and if there was something I could have done differently. Failure doesn’t equal weakness. It simply is something that we must improve upon.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Time Management 

Nurses are masters at multitasking - for example, managing multiple patients and administering medication on time while maintaining detailed notes. Tell stories about your punctuality, ability to meet deadlines, and how you remain organized through it all. 

1. Talk about a time you worked in a fast-paced setting. How do you prioritize tasks while maintaining excellent patient care? 

Give an example of a time you had to prioritize your tasks quickly. Explain your thought process in detail and why you chose to complete the duties in such an order. 

Sample answer:

Working in an ICU setting is extremely fast-paced, and it is essential to prioritize your tasks for the day. At the beginning of the shift, I make a to-do list with everything that needs to be accomplished. I put the must-do things at the top of the list and the things I would like to do at the bottom.

Administering medications is placed at the top of the list, and washing a patient’s hair is further down. While I would love to accomplish everything, it just isn’t possible.

2. Describe your experience with a very ill patient who required a lot of your time. How did you manage this patient’s care while ensuring your other patients were adequately cared for? 

Talk about the patient’s care and why they needed much of your time. What was the illness, trauma or injury? How did you ensure that this patient received quality care? How did you manage your other patients? 

Sample answer:

Delegation is key here. Knowing when to ask for help is important. Without identifying resources and asking for help, success is impossible.

3. Talk about a time when you felt overwhelmed with your work or patient load. What did you do? 

Give a specific example of a time you were overwhelmed. Explain step-by-step the actions you took to overcome this feeling and to focus on the task at hand. 

Sample answer:

I asked for help during these situations. Without identifying resources and asking for help, success is impossible.

4. Give an example of an important goal you set for yourself. Did you accomplish that goal? How did you ensure that you accomplished it? 

Make sure the goal you share is related to your career. Explain the steps you took to accomplish your goal. What challenges did you face? How did you feel once you accomplished your goal? 

Sample answer:

I set the goal of earning my pediatric certification and made a list of things that I must do to achieve that. I signed up for the exam and paid the fee, so I had to take it. There was no backing out.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Communication Style

It is important to convey your particular communication style and techniques. Tell stories about specific times you either had difficulty communicating or times you communicated well. If you can, walk through your step-by-step thought process and give examples. 

1. Give an example of a time when you were able to successfully persuade a patient to agree to something. How did you persuade this person? 

Tell a story about a specific time when you had a difficult time getting a patient to agree to something at work. What was the situation, and what did they need to agree to? What specific actions did you take to get them to agree? What was the result? 

Sample answer:

Ideally, we never want to persuade a patient to do something. We would like the patient to agree to it freely. However, I did bargain with a child that if he ate his breakfast, I would play video games with him afterward. Using a bargaining system worked well to ensure the patient was well nourished.

2. Tell me about a time when you had to rely on written communication to explain yourself to your team or to a patient. 

Talk about a time when you successfully relied on written (or typed) communication. What were the circumstances? What was being discussed? How did you ensure success? 

Sample answer:

Most hospitals utilize a text feature to communicate quickly with the medical team. It is important to be concise and provide all of the important information so that the medical team can determine the best course of action.

3. Talk about a time when you had not communicated well. How did you correct the situation? 

No one is perfect; we all have flaws. Discuss a time when you experienced miscommunication at work. What were the circumstances? How did you know you did not communicate well? What did you learn? What were the results? 

Sample answer:

This often happens when there is a language barrier. I learned that it is always better to ask for an in-person interpreter or utilize computer translation software. This ensures there is no miscommunication of information. Unfortunately, hand gestures and speaking louder don’t always work.

4. Describe a time when you received negative feedback and turned it into something positive. 

Discuss a time at work when you received negative feedback. What was the feedback and circumstances surrounding the feedback? Who gave you the negative feedback? How did it make you feel? What did you do as a result of the feedback? 

Sample answer:

I was once told that I needed to be more social at work and try and bond with my work colleagues. I disagreed with my manager because I felt that we were there to work and take care of our patients, not to make friends. Becoming close friends with coworkers is an added bonus.

While I didn’t become best friends with anyone from the unit, I was able to spend downtime reading and studying to earn additional certifications, which helped me secure better jobs and opportunities in nursing.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Motivation and Core Values

These questions are designed to help interviewers understand your motivation and personal values. When answering such questions, you should share motivational stories from your life that convey your core values. 

1. What is one professional accomplishment that you are most proud of and why? 

Tell a story about one of your most noteworthy accomplishments at work. What was the accomplishment? What steps did you take to achieve it? Who else was involved in this accomplishment? What happened as a result of the accomplishment? 

Sample answer:

Earning my advanced pediatric certification is something I worked very hard for, and it validates the years I have spent at the bedside.

2. Have you ever felt dissatisfied with your work as a Nurse? What could have been done to make it better? 

Most nurses encounter difficulties while working. Talk about a time when you felt dissatisfied with your work. What were the circumstances, and what happened? What was your role? Why did you feel dissatisfied? What would you do differently now? What did you learn? 

Sample answer:

I once became extremely dissatisfied because I was consistently being given easier assignments and not being given the ICU level of patients. It became frustrating, and while I understood that others needed to learn and gain experience, it quickly left me annoyed with my position, the unit, and the healthcare system.

I sat down and spoke to my nurse manager about my concerns and inquired why it was happening. The nurse manager was not aware of the situation and it was later determined that a few of the charge nurses were giving the sicker patients to their friends and not spreading them out amongst the nurses.  

3. Describe a time when you went over and above your job requirements. What motivated you to put forth the extra effort? 

Talk about a specific instance when you went out of your way for your job or for a patient. What were the circumstances? Why did you choose to take the action? What did you do? What were the results? 

Sample answer:

I personally feel like I give 110% to all of my patients every shift, but there was one that I grew especially close with. For some reason, the patient had been dropped off by a family member, and no one had come to see the child for months. It was obvious the patient was missing key developmental milestones and was becoming increasingly lonely and depressed.

I asked to become the primary nurse for the patient, which meant every time I worked, he would be assigned to me. I worked with him over several months to get him potty trained and to improve his vocabulary. I don’t know exactly why I was extra motivated, but at that time in our lives, the patient and I needed each other.

4. Give an example of a mistake you’ve made. How did you handle it? 

It is important to admit that you make mistakes and to own up to them. Talk about the specific mistake and why it happened. What was your role in the mistake? How did you know that you made a mistake? Who was involved? What did you learn? What have you done to improve? What were the results? 

Sample answer:

Mistakes are part of nursing, whether we like to admit to it or not. It’s important to learn from those mistakes and become a better nurse. One mistake that I will never forget is leaving the gastronomy tube unclamped with medication administration.

Because it was unclamped when I opened the port to give the next medication, the last medication, as well as formula, came out. I was unable to clamp it quickly enough, and the medications I had already given were leaking onto the bed. 

I had to speak with the medical team and pharmacy to discuss replacing them. I have never forgotten to clamp the gastronomy tube again.

5. What do you find most difficult about being a Nurse? How do you overcome this difficulty? 

Be honest and talk about the most difficult component of nursing. Maybe it’s working with a specific patient population. Or acting in a leadership role. Whatever it is to you, always make sure to talk about the steps and actions you’ve taken to cope with the difficulty.

Sample answer:

The most difficult aspect of being a nurse is watching a patient die, especially one that I have cared for when they were healthy. Watching the family lose a loved one is heartbreaking. Sometimes I sit in the bathroom and take a moment for myself to cry, to reflect, and to pause to remember the patient. Death is part of our everyday world, and sometimes that is hard to remember.

Questions to Ask the Employer

Interviewing is a two-way street. Often, nurses are so excited and nervous about answering questions well during their interviews that they forget to ask questions to their potential future employers.

After all, how do you know if the job is an excellent fit unless you ask about the details that are important to you?

Most of the time, when you reach the end of your interview, employers will ask interviewees if they have any questions about the position. This is a great opportunity to show that you have done your research on their facility and expected job duties and demonstrate how excited you are about the position. 

Depending on time, you may want to consider limiting your questions to two or three questions. Most nursing administrators set aside an allotted amount of time to interview each potential new hire, and you don’t want to be disrespectful of their time. 

Many of these questions may also be great to ask after you have the job and work 1:1 with a preceptor or other helpful nurses. Experienced nurses are great resources for questions once you get the job!

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Onboarding

  1. How long is the training period, and what does it entail?
  2. How will my training success be measured?
  3. Will I have orientation days, and what will they entail?
  4. What advice would you give to a nurse who is just starting on the unit?
  5. How quickly are you looking to hire someone?
  6. Who will I be reporting to?
  7. What shifts are you hiring for: night, day, mid-shift, or alternating?
  8. Will I be required to work on-call shifts?

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Mentoring

  1. Will I be assigned a preceptor?
  2. How will my success as a new hire be measured?
  3. What is your training process for new hires?
  4. What advice do you have for a new hire who wants to succeed in this unit?
  5. How frequently do you perform performance reviews?

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Culture

  1. Can you explain what the nursing culture is like here?
  2. Does the nursing staff face any ongoing challenges on the unit? What are the most critical challenges?
  3. What is the management style of this unit?
  4. What does an ideal candidate look like for this role?
  5. How does this nursing environment facilitate collaboration and unity?

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Professional Development

  1. Are there any professional development opportunities?
  2. How long do nurses work at the bedside before taking on a charge nurse role?
  3. Do you offer tuition reimbursement for nurses advancing their education to take on higher-level nursing roles?
  4. Are nurses encouraged to become certified in their specialties?
  5. Will I be expected to float to other units? How often will that occur?

Sample Questions for New Nursing Graduates

  1. Do you offer a new nursing graduate program, how long is it, and what does it entail?
  2. How are new graduates measured on performance and competency?
  3. Do new graduates have a mentor? How long do they provide supervision and nursing support?
  4. What are the most common challenges new grads experience in this unit?
  5. When will I be eligible to become involved on unit committees? 

Other Important Questions You May Want to Ask

You will not have enough time to ask all of these questions during your interview, but you may want to pick one or two to ask if there is any remaining time left. 

Otherwise, keep these questions handy for when you have an opportunity to ask them in the future. They may help provide essential information to help you exceed expectations in your new job!

  • What electronic medical record (EMR) system does this facility use?
  • Describe the patient population on the unit and how many patients will we have at capacity?
  • Do you have overtime policies for nurses who want to work extra shifts?
  • What are staffing ratios here?
  • How does the scheduling process work?
  • What are your protocols for dealing with challenging or difficult patients?

Things to Do Before Leaving the Interview

Remember to ask what the next steps in the interview process are and express your interest in the position. 

You may also want to ask if the hiring manager has any hesitations about hiring you based on your resume and work experience. That way, if they have any reservations, they can tell you, and you can rebuke them by explaining why they have no reason for hesitation.

For example, if the hiring manager says something like, “I am not sure that you have enough critical care experience to take on this position,” you can respond and assure them that you are perfect for the role.

You may want to say something like, “I have always wanted to work in a high-acuity environment. I am extremely dedicated and eager to learn new skills necessary to succeed in this role. I am like a sponge and ready to learn!”

Remember to close the interview on a high note before walking away.

How to Prepare for Your Nursing Interview 

1. Dress for success

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression! In fact, many hiring managers say they know if they are interested in hiring someone within the first five minutes. 

It is essential to look professional and air on the more conservative side of style versus wearing bright and flashy clothing. Keep jewelry simple and understated. If it is appropriate to wear a suit, stick to neutral colors such as black, navy, or dark brown shades.

Your goal is to look as professional as possible so the person you are speaking with can focus on the essential skills you will bring to their organization.

2. Practice answering as many interview questions as you can out loud

Many interviewees review interview questions by reading them alone. But that may not help prepare you as well as speaking your answers out loud. In fact, you may find that you aren’t as clear on many of your answers as you thought you were.

Consider enlisting a friend or family member to act as the interviewer and ask you sample questions. Practice answering your questions and focus on ways you can communicate more effectively. Be assertive and don’t ramble. You will know if you are ready if you can answer questions clearly and constantly.

3. Research the institution thoroughly

LinkedIn is a great resource for learning about healthcare facilities and the types of employees who work there. Employers usually appreciate it when candidates show they have basic knowledge about an organization's goals. 

The last thing you want is to be asked something about the organization and not have an answer for it. 

4. Arrive at least 20 minutes or more before your interview starts

Arrive early enough that you can use the restroom if needed, straighten yourself up, and not feel rushed walking into the interview.

5. Bring a great attitude

Make sure you get plenty of shut-eye the night before your interview and eat a good breakfast. Drink coffee if it helps you perform at your best, but avoid it as it can make you jittery.

But most importantly, smile and bring a positive vibe. You are going to do great!

Phone Interviews

Many employers do an initial phone interview before bringing candidates in to meet face-to-face. This often helps recruiters weed out candidates who aren’t serious about a position and offer additional information to candidates to make sure they really want the job. 

Bu phone interviews are just as important as in-person or online interviews. 

Here are a few tips to remember:

  • Prepare for a phone interview the same way you would for a face-to-face interview. You have no way of predicting what questions will be asked, and it's better to be overly prepared than under-prepared.
  • Stand up while you are talking. Standing during a phone interview may help you project your answers more clearly than if you are sitting down.
  • Keep your resume and cover letter within reach in case you are asked about them.
  • Don’t eat or drink during the phone interview, even though they can’t see you. 
  • Shower and get ready as if it were a face-to-face interview. You will feel more confident and professional, and it may help you perform better.

Zoom Interview Tips

Ever since the start of the pandemic, Zoom interviews have become exceedingly common. Employers continue to utilize online interviewing because it is often more accessible and convenient for everyone involved.

Preparing for a Zoom interview is similar to preparing for an in-person or phone interview. However, there are several tips you should keep in mind:

1. Dress professionally as if you were going to a face-to-face interview 

If you would have worn a suit to an in-person interview, consider wearing it for your Zoom interview. Remember that even though employers usually don’t see your lower half on Zoom, there is a slight chance you may have to stand up or grab something. So no pajama pants!

2. Make sure your background is set up nicely

The interviewer will see your surroundings, so make sure your background is clean and organized. Consider a blank wall so nothing distracts your interviewer from your amazing skills. Also, never have a window behind you because the light can drown you out. 

3. Keep it quiet

If you have roommates, let them know you will be on a Zoom interview, and they must stay quiet. If you have pets that have the potential to interrupt your interview, make arrangements for them beforehand. The last thing you want is for your cat to walk right in front of your screen!

4. Set up your Zoom space and practice the day before

If you are new to Zoom, don’t fret! It is a fairly simple platform to use. But it may be a good idea to set yourself up beforehand and practice so there are no surprises.

5. Ensure a good internet connection

No connection, no interview! Ensure that a quality connection is set up early so you don’t have to scramble when you should be starting your interview.

6. Practice with a friend

If you are new to Zoom, you may not be aware of your body language or how you present over video. Consider making a few Zoom calls with friends and family to get comfortable with it and ensure that you have an excellent video presence.

Nursing Behavioral Interview Flash Cards With Answers 

Healthcare employers are increasingly asking behavioral questions - this means they want to know exactly how you will perform during different circumstances. They will be asking for you to provide examples of specific scenarios. Sound overwhelming? Don’t fret; Nurse.org has over 50 behavioral interview questions to help you practice. We’ve even included sample answers! 

Get Your Free Nursing Behavioral Interview Flash Cards!

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  • What questions are asked in a nursing interview?

    • Healthcare hiring managers usually ask behavioral-based interview questions. These questions help provide information about how you may handle specific situations in the workplace and allow you to show your critical thinking skills. 
  • How do I prepare for a nursing interview?

    • Preparing for your interview starts well in advance of your actual interview date. Here are a few essential tips to prepare for your nursing interview: Practice as many interview questions as you can, dress professionally, research the institution thoroughly, show up early, bring a great attitude, and relax. You will do great!
  • What are the four skills of a nursing interview? 

    • Listening actively and taking notes when appropriate. Asking important questions. Good non-verbal communication - ways to do this include leaning forward slightly, smiling, making good eye contact, and head nodding when appropriate. Answer behavioral questions with examples from your own work experience.
  • How do you introduce yourself in a nursing interview?

    • Start with your name and a brief history of your education and work history. You may want to explain why you chose this career and are so passionate about it. It is also important to talk about why you make a good fit for the position and what your career goals are in the future.
Kathleen Gaines
Kathleen Gaines
News and Education Editor

Kathleen Gaines (nee Colduvell) is a nationally published writer turned Pediatric ICU nurse from Philadelphia with over 13 years of ICU experience. She has an extensive ICU background having formerly worked in the CICU and NICU at several major hospitals in the Philadelphia region. After earning her MSN in Education from Loyola University of New Orleans, she currently also teaches for several prominent Universities making sure the next generation is ready for the bedside. As a certified breastfeeding counselor and trauma certified nurse, she is always ready for the next nursing challenge.

MSN Nursing Education - Loyola University New Orleans
BSN - Villanova University
BA- University  of Mary Washington

Pediatric Nursing, Neonatal Nursing, Nursing Education, Women’s Health, Intensive Care, Nurse Journalism, Cardiac Nursing 

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