6 Reasons Why Nursing is a Great Career Choice for Men

7 Min Read Published December 2, 2024
6 Reasons Why Nursing is a Great Career Choice for Men

While nursing has historically been a female-dominated industry, the tide is undoubtedly changing. The Wall Street Journal reports that there are nearly three times as many male nurses in the US now as there were in the early 2000s. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)more than 12% of registered nurses in the U.S. are men as of 2023.


The benefits of a nursing career - from job security to flexibility to the reward of helping people in very tangible and immediate ways - certainly don’t extend to just one gender. And many predict that the demand for more males and non-female genders in the nursing profession will only continue to grow. 

Here’s more on why nursing is a great choice for men to get into right now. 

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Why More Men Are Getting Into Nursing

The numbers don’t lie: more and more males are getting into the nursing profession. According to the BLS,  in the past ten years there has been a 59% increase in the number of male-identifying registered nurses. 

There is also a demand for more male nurses in the healthcare field, as providers and patients alike become aware of the many benefits male-identifying nurses can provide.

For instance, the presence of more male-identifying nurses can help ensure that male patients feel represented. And for certain sensitive procedures, patients might prefer a nurse of a certain sex, particularly for procedures such as inserting a catheter, using the bathroom or bedpan, or giving an enema.

Popular Online RN-to-BSN Programs

Purdue Global

Gain the skills and credentials to advance into nurse management and leadership roles, while laying the groundwork to pursue future nurse practitioner or advanced practice roles. Complete your courses online, on your schedule, at Purdue Global’s School of Nursing.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide, but certain programs have state restrictions. Check with Purdue for details.

Grand Canyon University

GCU’s RN-BSN program is tailored to meet the needs of the RN adult learner and to maximize the strengths that the working RN already possesses. Transfer up to 90 credits and earn a BSN in as little as 12 months. GCU’s online classes allow you to study at the times that work for your schedule while still enjoying a close connection with your classmates and instructor via online discussions.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide

The University of Texas at Arlington

The University of Texas at Arlington’s online programs are designed to help you achieve more in your nursing practice with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. They offer convenient, flexible options for completing your RN to BSN online, designed to fit into your busy schedule.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide

Western Governors University

WGU's award-winning online programs are created to help you succeed while graduating faster and with less debt. WGU is a CCNE accredited, nonprofit university offering nursing bachelor's and master's degrees.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide

Liberty University

As a pioneer in distance learning since 1985, Liberty University’s online nursing programs are designed to prepare practicing nurses to serve with integrity by teaching advanced skills from an ethical perspective. Liberty's programs are based on industry best practices and up-to-date research – so you can get the tools you need to stay on the cutting edge of nursing care and innovation. 

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide

6 Benefits of Becoming a Male Nurse

Men are entering into the nursing workforce for various reasons, such as a shift in availability in other traditionally male professions, like the automotive industry. And, of course, the benefits to males who want to enter the nursing profession are numerous, too, including:

1. Career Stability

The demand for registered nurses is predicted to exceed 3.4 million by 2033, per the BLS.

2. Stable Pay

The average registered nurse salary is $86,070 per year, as of 2023, according to the BLS. 

3. Career Flexibility

Nursing is a unique field that allows for part-time, full-time, variable, per diem, or combination shifts. And because many male nurses enter the field mid-career, flexibility may be even more prized. 

4. Travel Opportunities

Male nurses who are interested in travel can enter the field of travel nursing to try their hand at learning new skills and traveling to new places. 

5. Scholarships for Male Nurses

There are a variety of scholarships available to prospective male nurses, such as those offered through the American Association of Male Nurses.

There are male nurses in every nurse specialty -- from obstetrics to geriatrics to sexual assault examiners. But there seem to be certain specialties that attract a larger number of men. Some of the more popular specialties for male nurses include: 

1. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)

One of the highest-paying professions in the nursing field, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists provide anesthesia care for patients undergoing surgical procedures. CRNAs earn an average salary of $212,650/year. Read more on how to become a CRNA

2. Emergency Room Nurse

ER nurses deal with everything that comes through a hospital door, from trauma to life-threatening emergencies to small-town routine procedures. Pay can vary widely based on geographical area, and specialization within the ER is also available; the average annual compensation for ER nurses is $103,000, according to Glassdoor.

3. ICU Nurse

ICU nurses earn an average annual salary of $114,701, according to Indeed. Read more on how to become an ICU nurse.

4. Critical Care Nurse

Salary.com lists an average salary of $86,981 per year for critical care nurses. 

5. Flight Nurse

Glassdoor reports a range of salaries for flight nurses, from $93,000 to as high as $150,000. Read more on how to become a flight nurse. 

Male Nurses on Why They Love What They Do

The faces of men in the nursing field are diverse, as are the reasons driving them to choose nursing as a profession.

For example, Roosevelt Davis, MSN, RN earned his MSN after a football career to become a Pediatric Cardiovascular ICU (CVICU) nurse at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County. He was inspired by an early introduction to the healthcare field, as well as having a close friend die from a car accident.  

“Nursing, and healthcare positions are professions that aren’t traditionally even considered by most student-athletes. And, in my experience, even less football players and men of color are exposed to the nursing realm,” he told Nurse.org. “I encourage men, especially black men and people of color to 100% consider nursing as a career option.” 

Marty Robbins, on the other hand, has enjoyed seeing more male nurses enter the profession after over 15 years on the job. He relates how profitable the field of nursing can be. “If you are smart and use shift premiums, work holidays and some overtime, there’s no reason you shouldn’t make $90,000 to $100,000,” he adds.

However lucrative the field of nursing may be, at the end of the day, you don’t go into nursing for the money -- you go in for the heart. “I’m not here to do this for me,” Davis told Nurse.org. “I do this for them - my patients. And, if I don’t do it right, then who else is going to?” 

Attracting More Male Nurses to the Industry

One of the best ways to attract men to the field is to go into more junior high and high schools and teach kids and counselors about careers for both genders.

Excelsior College has a partnership with the American Assembly for Men in Nursing (AAMN) to help increase the percentage of men at the bedside. The college’s largest academic program is its associate degree program in nursing with over 16,000 enrolled students.

The Stigma of Being a Male Nurse

Larry Meneghini knew a linebacker a few years ago who played for St. Xavier University in Chicago. He also was majoring in nursing. “He was tough as nails. He’d be on the gridiron on Saturday, yet helping an elderly man with care on Sunday,” he says. He now works in a Chicago hospital.

Meneghini is an associate professor of nursing at a university. He also heads a chapter of the AAMN. “I followed in my mom’s footsteps instead of my dad’s since she was a nurse. It was an opportunity for me to take care of people,” he explains.

In his 35 years in nursing, he has definitely seen the stigma and misconceptions of men being nurses fade away. “Some people out there think that guys who become nurses are doing it because they can’t get into medical school. If you truly care about nursing, you’re not going to care about what people think,” he says.

He admits that men who go into nursing do face those obstacles sometimes, but those are going away as new generations come into play and have different outlooks and feelings. "Just like women, men also have emotions," he says. "They like to see their patients do well."

“You can’t put a gender on tender loving care,” Meneghini explains. “The good thing about nursing is that I’ve never been out of work. I never worried about where my next paycheck would come from. If I ever lost my job on a Monday, I’d line something up on a Tuesday.”

Resources for Men in Nursing

American Association of Male Nurses: Although membership is open to all genders, this organization does offer specific career advice for men entering the nursing field, along with a conference, scholarships, and career center. 

Minority Nurse: This website and journal offers guidance and support for minorities in the nursing field, including men. 

Ready to Start Your Career as a Male Nurse?

If you’re looking to get started on your career as a nurse, you can begin by exploring some of the different career pathways available, what education you will need, and what schools might be a good fit for you in our Nursing Education Center

Popular Online RN-to-BSN Programs

Purdue Global

Gain the skills and credentials to advance into nurse management and leadership roles, while laying the groundwork to pursue future nurse practitioner or advanced practice roles. Complete your courses online, on your schedule, at Purdue Global’s School of Nursing.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide, but certain programs have state restrictions. Check with Purdue for details.

Grand Canyon University

GCU’s RN-BSN program is tailored to meet the needs of the RN adult learner and to maximize the strengths that the working RN already possesses. Transfer up to 90 credits and earn a BSN in as little as 12 months. GCU’s online classes allow you to study at the times that work for your schedule while still enjoying a close connection with your classmates and instructor via online discussions.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide

The University of Texas at Arlington

The University of Texas at Arlington’s online programs are designed to help you achieve more in your nursing practice with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. They offer convenient, flexible options for completing your RN to BSN online, designed to fit into your busy schedule.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide

Chamberlain University

Chamberlain University is the #1 largest school of nursing with a community of more than 177,000 students, faculty, and alumni. Chamberlain offers BSN, MSN, and DNP programs online and has a long history of successfully delivering top quality education.

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide

Liberty University

As a pioneer in distance learning since 1985, Liberty University’s online nursing programs are designed to prepare practicing nurses to serve with integrity by teaching advanced skills from an ethical perspective. Liberty's programs are based on industry best practices and up-to-date research – so you can get the tools you need to stay on the cutting edge of nursing care and innovation. 

RN Required

Enrollment: Nationwide


  • Is nursing a good career for males?

    • Nursing is a great career choice for males due to the high demand for nurses, career stability and growth opportunities, a well as a high average salary and work-life flexibility. There are endless options in nursing, whether you prefer the fast pace of a flight nurse or one-on-one patient care in the ICU. 
  • Why are male nurses in high demand?

    • All Registered Nurses are in high demand, as there is a nursing shortage in the U.S. that is only predicted to grow. Male nurses only make up 12-13% of the nursing profession, so there is a higher demand for male nurses. 
  • Why should men become nurses?

    • Nursing is a field that offers an opportunity to get involved in at any age, making it ideal for both young male nurses or males looking for a mid-career change. Men who value career stability, flexibility, high-pay, and have a desire to help others, along with an interest in healthcare may be a great fit for the nursing field. 
  • How much do male nurses make?

    • Registered Nurses, on average, make an annual salary of $86,070 per year, as of 2023, according to the BLS. Your exact salary can vary, based on specialty certifications, settings, and if you work overtime or night shifts. 
  • Where do most male nurses work?

    • A large majority of male nurses work in hospital settings, but opportunities in the nursing profession range from healthcare facilities to public health to academic settings. 

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Chaunie Brusie
Chaunie Brusie
Nurse.org Contributor

Chaunie Brusie, BSN, RN is a nurse-turned-writer with experience in critical care, long-term care, and labor and delivery. Her work has appeared everywhere from Glamor to The New York Times to The Washington Post. Chaunie lives with her husband and five kids in the middle of a hay field in Michigan and you can find more of her work here

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Saginaw Valley State University

Nursing, Women's Health, Wellness

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