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Healthcare Administration

Healthcare administration is a rapidly growing field with tons of career options and strong growth potential. From entry-level healthcare admin jobs like medical administrative assistants to C-suite positions like hospital CEO, there's truly something for everyone in healthcare administration.

Healthcare Administration Salary
$101,340 per year or $48.72/hr
Source: BLS
How Long Does it Take to Become a Healthcare Administrator?
2-6 Years
Source: BLS

What Can You Do With a Healthcare Administration Degree?

To help you navigate your healthcare administration career, we’ve broken down the different jobs a degree in healthcare administration applies to, what you can expect, and what you will need to get there. Healthcare Administration Careers

Healthcare Administration Programs

There’s so much to consider when deciding on a healthcare administration program. We've rounded up a list of the online healthcare administration programs with the highest success rates to make your decision a little easier. Top Online Healthcare Administration Programs

What It's Like Being a Hospital CEO

Hospital CEO, Michael H. Goldberg, shares what it's like being a hospital CEO and how he climbed his way up the corporate healthcare ladder. How I Went From Intern to Hospital CEO

Work-From-Home Healthcare Jobs

One of the best-kept secrets in the healthcare industry is the number of work-from-home jobs available in healthcare administration right now. Find out what they are and how to get one. Healthcare Jobs You Can Do From Home

Healthcare Administration Degrees Explained

There are a lot of ways to get started in healthcare administration. From an associate's degree all the way up to a PhD, find out which degree is right for your career goals. Guide to Healthcare Administration Degrees

A Healthcare Administration degree is a great way to gain exposure to various industries that can help round out experiences not received through work experience.

Michael H. Goldberg , FACHE, MBA, MHCDS, Hospital CEO

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