Ali'Ce Haskins

Nurse.org Contributor
Ali’Ce Haskins MSN, APRN, CME-C, FNP-BC, better known as “Nurse Haskins”, inspires nurses and nursing students through her motivational journey and success advice. She started as a CNA and moved up the nursing ladder from CNA to LPN to ADN to BSN to MSN. Today, she’s a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner who loves what she does. Nurse Haskins is on a personal mission to empower others to not only follow their dreams but, to teach them how to obtain advanced nursing degrees without living a life in debt! Published author and founder of Nurse Haskins, PLLC, this influential motivational speaker has hosted nurse empowerment events and sponsors an annual nursing scholarship in honor of the life of her son. You can follow her on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube @nurse_haskins.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Winston-Salem State University
Master of Science (MS) in Adult Health Nursing, Keiser University - Ft. Lauderdale
Post-Master's Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Certificate, South University
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