January 10, 2018

Nurses Accuse Hollywood Icon Stan Lee Of Sexual Harassment

Nurses Accuse Hollywood Icon Stan Lee Of Sexual Harassment

Hollywood comic book icon, Stan Lee, is facing accusations of sexual harassment by several nurses. 

Lee’s Lawyer told the DailyMail.com that Lee ‘categorically denies’ the ‘false and despicable’ allegations. 

However, the nursing company who employed the nurses is now engrossed in a legal dispute with the 95-year-old. As of yet, no lawsuits have been filed and the incidents were not reported to the police. 

According to reports, Lee is accused of groping the home-care nurses, requesting sexual favors and walking around naked in his home while the nurses were present. 

A source close to the situation told the Dailymail.com

 'Stan is an old man who has seemingly lost his way. He doesn't seem to care what people think of him, he's lost his filter. There has been a stream of young nurses coming to his house in West Hollywood and he has been sexually harassing them. He finds it funny.

'He walks around naked and is vulgar towards the women, he asks them for oral sex in the shower and wants to be pleasured in his bedroom. He uses the word p***y and f**k in their presence.

'He's also very 'handsy' and has groped some of the women, it's unacceptable behavior, especially from an icon like Stan.'

The source continued, “the owner at the nursing company has openly said to people that Stan has sexually harassed every single nurse that has been to the house. That got back to Lee and sparked this whole thing. It appears the owner, who has nursed Stan herself, eventually decided enough was enough.'

The unnamed company, who employed the nurses, charged Lee $1000 per day to receive in-home nursing care at all hours. 

According to the Dailymail.com report, a representative from the nursing company shared that the owner had spoken to Lee about the continuous complaints from his nurses. 

On December 20th the owner of the nursing company received a ‘cease and desist’ letter from Lee’s attorney, Tom Lallas. Lallas said, “Mr. Lee has received demands to pay money and threats that if he does not do so, the accuser will go to the media. Mr. Lee will not be extorted or blackmailed, and will pay no money to anyone because he has done absolutely nothing wrong.” 

Stan Lee is said to be worth around $50 million. 

Sexual Harassment In Healthcare  

Unfortunately, it is common for nurses to experience some form of sexual harassment during their careers. Whether the harassment comes from patients, co-workers or superiors there are federal laws available to protect nurses.

Historically, the image of the nurse has been sexualized by the media - that doesn’t mean the treatment should be tolerated. 

There are Federal and state laws in place to protect nurses from sexual harassment. 

The healthcare industry has not been known to be kind to women who speak out against sexual misconduct at work. In fact, TIME magazine featured a healthcare worker on their 2017 cover. Due to fear of repercussions by her employer, the woman refused to be depicted - allowing only her elbow to be shown. 

UP NEXT: Sexual Harassment In Nursing - It's More Common Than You Might Think. 


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