Nurse Stabbed In Hospital Parking Lot Where Staff Had Asked For More Security

By: Angelina Gibson
A labor and delivery nurse was stabbed in the parking lot near Rutgers New Jersey Medical School - nurses had previously voiced concerns about the parking lot’s safety.
At around 7:30 pm, Sunday, the 60-year old victim was walking to her car after finishing her shift at University Hospital when an unknown man attempted to rob her. When his attempt was unsuccessful, he stabbed the nurse of 25-years, in the abdomen and fled the scene.
The unnamed nurse took herself to the emergency department at University Hospital, where she works. Upon arrival, she was treated and rushed into surgery.
Authorities reported on Tuesday that they had detained a person of interest and that he was undergoing questioning in regards to this crime.
Also on Tuesday, Union members met with Hospital Management to discuss increased safety. Later that night, the victim's friends, colleagues and union leaders gathered near the crime scene to honor their colleague.
The victim’s name has not been released - according to reports, she remains in critical but, stable condition.
Violence Against Nurses On The Rise
Nurses are no strangers to workplace violence. In fact, about 1 in 4 nurses have reported being physically assaulted on the job over the past year.
According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, between the years of 2005-2014, the rate of health care workplace violence increased by 110% within the private-sector.
As a result, this past July, the Senate passed Elise’s Law - requiring health care employers to implement workplace violence prevention plans. The law was implemented after a Massachusetts nurse was nearly killed in a patient stabbing.
The Rutgers University Police Department has asked anyone with information on this case to call the Detective Bureau at (973)972-6394 or the RUPD Communications Center at (973)393-4451.