Off-Duty Nurse Stops For Gas and Ends Up Saving Gas Station Attendant's Life

An off-duty nurse from HCA Florida Westside Hospital has been hailed as an "angel" for her life-saving intervention at a local gas station, according to a recent report from CBS News.
In a heartwarming turn of events, Nurse Alison Seecoomar, employed at HCA Florida Westside, has been hailed as an "angel" after being credited with saving the life of a South Florida gas station attendant, Luis Sanchez-Mendia.
The incident unfolded on November 10 when Seecoomar, off-duty and on her way home from work, stopped at a gas station near the hospital to fill up her tank.
Despite being off work for the nights, Seecoomar's instincts as a nurse kicked in as she noticed Sanchez-Mendia, 67, exhibiting symptoms of distress. Acting swiftly, Seecoomar assessed his condition, discovering an alarming heart murmur, and urged him to seek medical attention, telling him to mention he knew her in order to be seen more quickly.
Sanchez-Mendia made his way to HCA Florida Westside Hospital, where it was determined that he required urgent surgery, including a valve replacement in his heart.
Speaking about the incident, a grateful Sanchez-Mendia expressed that Seecoomar's intervention likely saved his life, emphasizing that he might not have sought help without her guidance. He said, "She saved my life. She gave me one more opportunity."
As the hospital celebrates Seecoomar's remarkable dedication and initiative, they laud her as an exemplary representation of their staff's commitment to going above and beyond to serve the community, both within and outside the hospital setting.
Sanchez-Mendia, set to be discharged from the hospital on Friday, anticipates celebrating his 68th birthday with newfound appreciation, deeming Seecoomar his "angel" and the greatest gift he could receive.