Fake Florida Nurse Exposed Following Veteran's Death Under Their Care

Image Source: First Coast News
A Florida family is demanding answers after discovering that the caregiver they hired to care for their loved one was not a licensed nurse, as he had claimed, according to First Coast News. This revelation came after the death of retired U.S. Marine Gunnery Sgt. Kensworth Moody in October 2024.
Discovery of the Deception
Sandra Moody, a registered nurse and the veteran's wife, became suspicious of the caregiver's qualifications immediately following her husband's death. She began investigating and found that the man hired through a BrightStar Care franchise in Jacksonville had been impersonating a licensed practical nurse (LPN).
Surveillance Footage Reveals Neglect
Home surveillance footage reviewed by the family showed that the impostor failed to respond when Moody exhibited signs of respiratory distress. The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) reported that the caregiver silenced oxygen saturation monitor alarms and administered "sugar water" when Moody's glucose levels dropped.
Following the incident, AHCA issued an emergency suspension order for the BrightStar Care franchise involved. The order cited multiple issues, including employing unqualified personnel and billing for services not provided.
Ongoing Investigation
The Clay County Sheriff's Office has an active investigation into the matter, but no arrests have been made to date. The family continues to seek justice and wants to ensure that similar incidents do not happen to others.
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