Top 50 Fantastic Blogs for Nurses 2018

Staying up to date on current news and topics in a field is an important task to keep the mind and tools sharp, and this is especially true for nurses! Whether you’re a working nurse, aspiring nurse, or simply interested in the topic of nursing, reading up on the happenings and opinions of the industry is a worthwhile endeavor. This is why we love and think nursing blogs are the perfect way to accomplish this task!
We’ve browsed through hundreds of nursing blogs, written by nurses or medical journals about nursing topics, and have hand selected the top fantastic 50 for your reading enjoyment.
We took a few factors into consideration when making our selections:
• Quality of content and site
• Frequency of posts
• Credentials of the writer
• Amount of interesting and/or helpful content
• Personal selection (we personally enjoyed these blogs!)
These nursing blogs range from personal experiences to great resources for current nursing students and those looking for a new job. With something for everyone, you can’t go wrong with our list!
In no particular order, here are’s Top 50 Fantastic Blogs for Nurses 2018!
Nurse Code
Nurse Beth, founder and writer of, has created this blog to provide tools for nurses to excel in their careers. She currently works in acute care as a staff development professional specialist. This blog is relatable for all types of nurses both experienced and novice. It covers tips to landing a job and undergoing a job interview, while also discussing controversial nursing topics such as bullying and staffing ratios.
The Makings of a Nurse
This blog focuses on holistic nursing and can be a fun read for both nursing students and professional nurses. Kristine originally created this site as a means to share her experiences as a nursing student and it has grown into an outlet for all nurses. She is a nurse practitioner working in a medical/oncology unit, planning to work per diem in hospice as well. Two great features of this site are the scholarship opportunities for students and the “going global” section, which illustrates how nurses can work in other countries.
The Nursing Site Blog
Kathy has been an RN for over 30 years, specializing in home health and hospice nursing. Although this site concentrates on these topics, it also includes current events relative to healthcare and nursing advocacy. Example topics covered in this blog include Repealing Obamacare, Nurse Practitioners in the front line of primary care, how to better understand an EKG, and what Healthcare Professionals can do about the opioid epidemic. If you want to stay up to date on the most important issues in healthcare today, this site is for you.
My Strong Medicine
If you are looking for a straightforward and comical blog to follow, this blog may be up your alley. Sean, NP writes about a variety of topics while keeping them light and airy by using gifs. Gifs are moving images that hyperbolize a given point. Sean works as an acute care nurse practitioner in a teaching hospital and describes himself as a nurse entrepreneur, and social media student. Some blog topics you will find on his site are: “Have you ever lost your nursing mojo?” and “Never forget the fear of being the new Nurse”.
Nursetopia motivates nurses to bring some arts and crafts ideas to their work and school setting. One great idea is to install a “gratitude station” where co-workers or fellow students can write words of thanks and encouragement to one another. Founder Joni, RN incorporates a book review section in her blog, where she recommends good reads for both nurses and leaders. She describes herself to be an oncology nurse, leader, and multifaceted.
J. Paradisi, RN finds inspiration where science, humanity, and art converge. She is a visual artist and writer. She has been a nurse for 28 years, working in oncology. She uses downtime to draw even while at work, or most often in her studio. As nursing is both a science and art, this blog is unique as it emphasizes nursing experiences through the work of art. You don’t need to be Picasso to find value from this site.
Nurse Advocate
This site offers information for healthcare professionals, patients, and families to facilitate the understanding of today’s complex healthcare system. It portrays the experience of being both a patient and nurse in the healthcare system. Anne, RN recommends that everyone have an advocate during their time of medical need. Anne, RN has been a leader in the healthcare industry for over 30 years. She started working in medical/surgical nursing and her career shifted towards risk management and case management.
Nurse Barb’s Daily Dose
Nurse Barb is a great resource for anyone that needs medical advice. Nurse Barb translates complicated medical information to help people find their way toward better health and wellness. Nurse Barb is a women’s health nurse practitioner who has published award-winning women’s health guides. Her blog provides an assortment of tips from healthy diet and exercise to breastfeeding and pregnancy. Although initially targeted towards women, the average reader will find this blog relevant, such as her tips for managing the common cold.
RTConnections Nurse Blog
After 20 years of being a nurse, Renee, DNP, RN became a professional keynote speaker. Her blog, RTConnections offers professional development seminars and consulting services. It discusses core values of being a nurse and how to approach bullying in the workplace. Her posts are relevant to all nurses and especially nurse executives that can collaborate with her to provide speaking engagements in their institution.
Confident Voices
This site introduces ‘Medical Improv’, an experiential teaching process that is both fun and effective. This method aims to help healthcare professionals communicate and collaborate effectively, in order to provide safe and compassionate care. Emerging leaders and health educators can find significant resources from this blog. Beth has been a nurse for over 30 years and obtained a Master’s in Organization and Management. She has been teaching communication and collaboration ever since.
Nurse Turned Writer
Marijke, RN is a nurse writer with over 30 years of nursing experience in palliative care, rehabilitation, and acute care. Her blog features medical news both light and serious. Healthcare topics discussed include controversial medical complaints and reviews of published medical journals. This is a great way to stay up to date on community issues.
Emerging Nurse Leader
This blog depicts leadership strategies and roles in nursing. It encourages nurses to take charge when needed and identifies competencies that are necessary to make good nurse leaders. Dr. Rose Sherman is a Professor of Nursing and Director of the Nursing Leadership Institute in the College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University. She has been working in the area of leadership development for the past twenty-five years.
Elizabeth Scala Blog
‘Nursing from Within’ engages nurses in capturing the positive aspects of nursing during challenging times. Elizabeth Scala, MSN/MBA, RN is a nurse burnout expert and keynote speaker. She collaborates with nursing organizations and medical facilities to transform the field of nursing from the inside out. Elizabeth is a former psychiatric nurse and admits to once being a “negative nurse”. Now she motivates nurses to remember the passion they once felt for their nursing careers. Her blog posts will enlighten any nurse in renewing their love of nursing.
The Balanced Nurse
This blog inspires nurses to try something new and broaden their experiences. Some suggestions are through meditation, traveling, or alternative career paths. Founder and writer, Eileen is an Adult Nurse Practitioner with a holistic/integrative medicine specialty. She encourages the use of ‘mindfulness’, which enables readers to take an active role in the management of their health and wellness.
Nurse on the Run
The writer, Susan, is a burn unit nurse with a passion for running. She writes about her experiences running around New York City and participating in marathons. Nursing students, new nurses, and seasoned nurses can relate to the articles from this site. It helps readers understand how a busy nurse can also maintain her passion outside of work or school.
The Yoga Nurse
Yoga Nurse aims to uplift nurses through self-care practices, such as yoga. Founder, Annette, hopes to change the nursing culture by changing the nursing consciousness. Annette is both a nurse and medical yoga therapist. Her instructions on her blog can benefit nurses, patients, caregivers, and other medical professionals.
Nursing Stories
The voice of this blog belongs to Marianna. After four decades of being a nurse and nurse practitioner, Marianna wanted an outlet to share stories of patients she cared for. Her goal is to encourage nurses to tell their stories about the professional and personal difficulties they’ve encountered, as well as the times they have impacted their patients’ lives. Her experiences demonstrate how nurses develop a relationship with patients and their families that differ from the doctor/patient relationship. She also shows how nurses often struggle to be heard in a hierarchy that favors physicians.
According to Kateri
According to Kateri is a flavorful blog about a nurse living in New York City. On the blog you can find various recipes as Kateri, RN boasts her inner Julia Child. You can also find excerpts about her perspective on nursing and how it is evolving today. This is a great site for nurses that love to cook and those that live in a big city and understand the struggles of urban living.
Nurse Blake
Blake is a registered nurse and received his BSN from the University of Central Florida. He has worked in a number of healthcare roles throughout his career and has managed several injury prevention programs and started Banned4Life, which ended an outdated FDA blood donor policy. Today, Blake is an advocate for nurses and patients and encourages a healthy work environment. He is a social influencer, writer, public speaker, and has been a paid contributor to publications including the New York Times.
Minding the Bedside
This blog encourages nurses to mind the bedside: meaning to remain mindful and aware in the presence of the patients that are cared for. It teaches nurses how to recognize and transform negative emotions, as they are only impermanent phenomena. It is an excellent read for nurses that are feeling burnt out. Writer Jerone has worked as a nurse for over 30 years in a variety of settings, including hospice, pain management, and research in complementary and alternative medicine.
Frugal Nurse
The US Healthcare system is undeniably expensive and some would say “broken”. Frugal Nurse was established after the author (a nurse) witnessed her husband undergo unnecessary treatment for a thyroid tumor. At the time she wondered why they never got a second opinion. Frugal Nurse recommends different ways families can save money and make educated decisions regarding their health. Some examples include avoiding ambulance rides when possible, lifestyle changes to improve health outcomes instead of taking medications, and appropriate health screenings with updated research to support them.
From the perspective of a neonatal nurse, this blog provides observations, inspiration, and advice to other nurses. Lori is an American neonatal nurse now living in Sweden. Her blog posts vary from including tips to current nurses to inspiring nursing students in finishing their program.
International Nurse Support
International Nurse Support is a phenomenal resource for all nurses. Whether you are a nurse looking for confidence and a strategy to be more effective and improve your relationship with your colleagues or are a nurse looking to move on to another job and need help updating your resume and preparing for an interview – you can find the tools you need on this site. Nurse Joyce originally started blogging to combine her love for writing and helping others.
Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Blogs
Johns Hopkins Nursing is a publication that features Johns Hopkins alumni and its affiliated hospital nursing staff. It tells the story of their endeavors in education, practice, research, and leadership. Although the blog is specific to the Johns Hopkins community, other nurses can follow their posts, as they are pertinent to all nurses.
Rasmussen College Blog
This blog is hosted by Rasmussen College, an institution of higher learning, dedicated to enriching our diverse community. The School of Nursing Blog shares articles appropriate for people interested in pursuing a career in nursing, current nursing students, and recent nursing graduates.
This site is hosted by the Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative. Their goal is to generate, distribute, and translate research to recognize how nurses contribute to and can continue to improve the quality of patient care. This is a huge resource for all nurses, and especially those serving in executive leadership positions.
Off the Charts
Off the Charts is the official blog of the American Journal of Nursing. Posts incorporate controversial policies, relevant research findings, public health news, nursing career issues, clinical practices and challenges, and compassionate personal stories of both nurses and patients. Off the Charts is a must read for all nurses and nursing students alike.
Advances in Nursing Science Blog
This blog focuses on advancing the development of nursing knowledge and promoting the integration of nursing philosophies, theories and research with practice. The blog is run by Peggy Chinn, RN, Ph.D., well renown author of Theory and nursing: A systematic approach. This should be a favorite of most nurses, especially nurse educators and nursing students.
Nurse Managers
This is an incredible resource for nurse managers and leaders. This blog discusses ways nursing leaders can resolve common workplace dilemmas such as nurse-to-nurse hostility and racism. It also promotes awareness about compassion fatigue and patient safety. HCPro is the provider of this tool - providing integrated information, education and training services in vital areas of healthcare regulation and compliance.
The Nerdy Nurse
The Nerdy Nurse is a nursing and technology blog, which displays nursing products and services, technology, personal brandings, social media, and lifestyle topics. Readers include nurses, nursing students, and other healthcare professionals. Founder Brittney, RN has a nursing background that spans from medical-surgical nursing to clinical informatics system administration and implementation. She is currently working on developing innovative workforce analytics solutions for healthcare organizations.
Nurse Buff
This is a fun nursing humor and lifestyle blog. Topics vary from nursing apps and nursing lifehacks to nursing scholarships and nursing quotes. Current nurses can find funny memes to uplift their present workday, while nursing students can find mnemonics to help remember information for an exam. All nurses and nursing students should have this site bookmarked.
Nurse Power
Donna, RN is The Inspiration Nurse. She travels the world inspiring nurses to live a happy life and in their careers while reaching their full potential. “Dear Donna” is a popular column on her blog, originally featured on In this column, she answers readers questions such as suggestions for working as a retired nurse or how nurses can show more professionalism. Nurses and student nurses looking for inspiration can find some through this blog.
Nurse Gail
A platform for nurses to showcase knowledge, experiences, and education reaching out to a broad audience with evidence-based health information. Examples of topics discussed include food, medicine, MedTech, fitness, sex, and parenting. The site was originally founded by Gail, NP, and Mia, RN, but now has at least half a dozen nurse contributors.
Daily Nurse is a nursing news site. It frequently features current issues in nursing and healthcare and provides industry surveys and reports to help nurses stay up-to-date. It has sections for students, faculty, and the working nurse.
The Nursing Show
This is a podcast-based site with over 100 weekly episodes and articles. Here you can find tips for nurses at every level: students, RN’s, LPN’s, and ANP’s. The podcasts feature guest nurses and provide the latest nursing news. This is an amazing site for nurses that prefer an auditory presentation.
Ask Nurse Alice
Alice is a national board certified Clinical Nurse Specialist and media trained health expert. In her blog, she shares some lifestyle tips, such as fitness recommendations and recipes. “Ask Nurse Alice” is a special feature of her site, in which she answers any health or wellness related questions for her general readers.
The Bossy Nurse
This blog offers a nursing lifestyle design program, which transforms nurses into professionals that love what they do inside their career and outside of work. Nurse Marsha helps nurses design their own lifestyle around their passions by leading them through the steps of entrepreneurship. Any nurse looking to find personal fulfillment and wants more out of their nursing careers will find this site to be resourceful.
Infusion Nurse
The Infusion Nurse Blog is a platform for discussing and sharing ideas regarding infusion nursing, therapies, and vascular access. Initially, it appears that infusion nurses and those working in oncology/hematology will find plenty of articles that are relevant to them. However, many topics elaborated on this blog are applicable to all active nurses. Examples are “calculating drip rates”, “priming IV administration set”, and “blood draw from PIV”.
Correctional Nurse
Correctional nursing provides care for incarcerated individuals in jails, prisons, and juvenile centers. These patients are typically needy and disadvantaged citizens requiring quality healthcare. Nurses working in correctional facilities or are interested in starting such a career will find a plethora of information from this site. Lory, RN founded this blog after specializing in the field of correctional health care. She is working towards improving clinical communication, reducing medication errors, and improving the standard of practice in this setting.
Nurse Practitioner Business Owners
This is a business blog for advanced practice clinicians. It was created to enable nurse practitioners in independence practices to be able to connect, share resources, offer support, and learn from one another. The founder, Barabara Phillips, FNP-BC is a nurse practitioner and entrepreneur. Any advanced practitioner looking to open their own practice or grow their current practice should bookmark this site.
Rehab RN
An anonymous nurse reveals her experiences working at a rehabilitation facility. Her candid encounters as a nurse illustrate the injustices of working in a faux healthcare team, in comparison to the gratification of providing care to patients and their families. It’s a way of telling other nurses “you are not alone”.
Diversity Nursing Blog
This site was created to increase diversity in both the employee and student nurse populations. It offers opportunities to search for jobs, nursing programs, and scholarships. Their blog posts often feature other nurses and nursing success stories. Community members interested in joining the nursing field, nursing students, and professional nurses can each find pertinent material on this site.
Nursing@Simmons Blog
Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences offers nursing programs for registered nurses to continue their education both online and on-campus. They have a blog that influences nurses to become leaders and advocates in nursing. Their targeted audience is RN’s looking to advance their career through education, and current advanced practice nurses.
Lippincott Nursing Center
This is the primary online location for peer-reviewed nursing journals and continuing education resources. These tools can be used to stay updated on current healthcare practices, and may also serve as a guide to educate patients. The articles on this site are applicable to all nurses.
Straight A nursing Student
An online resource for all nursing students, at both the nursing and pre-nursing level. Here you’ll find free study guides, lecture notes, and other tools to help you succeed in nursing school. Nurse Mo constructed this site to help students in their preparation of becoming nurses. She is hoping to eventually obtain her Master’s in Nursing Education and become a nursing instructor.
Nursing Assistant Guide
Certified Medical Assistant, Celeste, generated this guide for those interested in pursuing a career as a nursing or medical assistant. This site provides educational options and details for aspiring medical and nursing assistants. The blog addresses a different healthcare topic each week, varying from suicide prevention to hepatitis awareness.
Masters in Nursing helps current nurses reach their educational and career goals. It connects prospective students with colleges and universities; in order to obtain their master’s of science in nursing. Blogger LeaRae, RN keeps the sites blog upbeat by posting matters on nursing resilience and the longevity of a nursing career. LeaRae, RN has 25 years of nursing and case management experience.
Nurse Nacole
Nurse Nacole built her blog in order to provide nursing students and nursing professionals with simple and fast resources. She is a critical care nurse and contributes a “nursing tip of the day” with each post. Her raw nursing occurrences are animated through her blog posts and she shares recommendations for other nurses in similar shoes. Nurse Nacole has a “new nurse section” for the novice nurse, and even YouTube videos for current nursing students. Nurses from all levels and backgrounds can find something relevant in Nurse Nacole.
Kati, RN created this site to help new graduate nurses transition into successful bedside nurses. Her blog provides practical information to encourage and support new nurses, in becoming confident and competent providers. Posts vary from written articles to podcasts and interviews.
Calling All Nurses
Existing nursing students and recent graduates can appreciate this blog initiated by Kaplan Test Prep. It specifies tips and techniques to prepare for nursing school and the NCLEX. Writers are usually current nursing students so you can read their first-hand experiences.