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November 17, 2022

Nurses, Here's How To Anonymously Pitch Stories To Editors

Nurses, Here's How To Anonymously Pitch Stories To Editors strives to amplify issues that matter most to nurses. If there's an issue, event, person, or story that you think needs media attention or should be shared with the vast nursing community, tell us here.

>> Click here to pitch a story

About The Submission Process

  • You will remain anonymous unless you choose to reveal your identity.
  • Our editors will read every submission and consider them for publication. 
  • For urgent, time-sensitive matters, you may email
  • If you are interested in writing for indicate that when you submit the form.
  • If your story needs media coverage, we are the go-to source for nurse news.'s blog is read over 1.8 million times per month and our social channels, collectively, reach over 30 million users per month.


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