CNA Appreciation Award: Vote For A Finalist

It takes a special person to be a Certified Nursing Assistant - CNA’s are an integral and important part of the entire healthcare team. This year, for CNA Appreciation Week, will recognize one special CNA with a $100 gift card and a certificate to add to their professional portfolio!
When was CNA Appreciation Week? June 14-21, 2018
We asked our online community of over 9 million healthcare professionals, worldwide, to nominate their favorite CNAs. Nominations were collected throughout CNA Appreciation week June 14-21, 2018. selected three of the most outstanding CNAs out of over 60 nominations. The CNA who gets the most votes will be awarded a $100 gift card and certificate from
Read each story, then scroll to the bottom of this post to vote. Each vote will be counted once, multiple votes submitted by the same person and/or email address will not be counted.
Voting is closed, stay tuned for updates!
JD Young
Image: JD Young
JD Young has been a CNA for 20 years! He was nominated by his colleague, Tracy, who shares her first-hand experiences working with him and witnessing his exceptional patient care. JD is a prime example of “going above and beyond,” the job description.
"JD is the type of tech that truly gives families a breath of fresh air. The care he provides to all the residents on our unit is AMAZING. We work in a secure unit where a lot of our residents have depression issues on top of their diagnosis.
When JD walks onto the unit they smile, reach out for hugs, and some even call him by name. What impresses us about him the most is a lot of them don't remember their own name.
We have patients who refuse to eat based on menu selections. JD actually cooks meals and brings the meals to the residents.
We also have patients who refuse to get out of bed and he will bring music in and ask them to dance with him just for 5 to 10 mins. Not only does he provide love to the residents but he also does for the families, the nurses, and his co-workers. He is always there to lend a hand and go the extra mile. He truly is a blessing to all of us and any future patient he might have," says Tracy.
Alexandra Swanson
Image: Alexandra Young
Alex started working as a CNA when she was only 16 years old. She has a total of 4 years experience and starts LPN school this fall. She was nominated by her colleague, Sarah, who highlights Alex’s positive attitude, kind demeanor, commitment to her patients and overall dedication to the healthcare team.
"Alex is so amazing. Her optimism alone is incredible! She could have her car break down, a family member in the hospital, or be sick and she would still have a smile on her face.
This woman has been a blessing from the moment I met her.
She has done so much for families in need such as a Christmas donation event. People would donate needed items off a list and it would go to a family in need. She helped organize it and wrap all the gifts to give to the families.
Every patient loves her and so does every other nurse aide and nurse. She can crank out patient baths like nobody's business! She is always cheerful and is helpful every day. I am never afraid to ask her a question since she is comfortable answering anything. She always says that it's okay to ask a question, especially when it will help you improve!
She is always looking to help other CNAs when they are struggling to get through their work. She always makes sure everyone is caught up and has gone on their breaks before taking any break.
She is so fantastic I can't describe it completely! She looks forward to seeing everybody and loves her patients. She always goes above and beyond to make sure her patients are having a great stay and having great care. They all love her. She is amazing and we all love her! I think she could use the prize since she is still in college! She is a blessing to everyone she meets!" says Sarah.
Ariane Hill-Steele
Image: Ariane Hill-Steele
Ariane has been a CNA for 1 year. She was nominated by her mentor, Lakesha FNP-C. Lakesha speaks about Ariane’s challenging upbringing as the oldest of 10 siblings. Ariane grew up caring for her two autistic brothers and has flourished as a CNA. She will begin nursing school this fall to work towards her BSN.
“Ariane and I had a conversation about career choices and I suggested to do a stepwise climb to become a nurse by starting as a CNA. Immediately she took the baton and ran with it.
She is the oldest sibling of 10 children. She was hands-on with taking care of 2 of her disabled (autistic) brothers as the eldest sibling in the home while her mom worked.
Ariane immediately excelled at being a CNA by taking the opportunity to work at a psych facility to assist with the underserved in Dallas TX. She is a great listener and has a compassionate heart.
She has maintained the same job for over 1 year and takes on extra shifts without question to assist the needs of the facility. Ariane is reliable and has developed a great rapport with not only the staff but also the patients at the facility and is a trusted leader.
She will enroll in school in the fall to begin coursework for her RN degree. I am proud to see her growth. She is very ambitious and dedicated all while being humble and compassionate,” says Lakesha FNP-C.