Aesthetic Nurse's License Suspended Over Improper Ketamine Administration

The Arizona State Board of Nursing suspended Prescott nurse practitioner Phillip Schafer's license for improperly administering the sedative ketamine to patients who received aesthetic treatments. According to the board's order of suspension, Schafer's treatment methods posed a "high risk to public health and safety." Schafer reached a settlement with the board in November.
Excessive Doses of Ketamine
According to reports from local media and the board's suspension order, Schafer improperly sedated patients with high doses of ketamine for routine treatments like Botox injections, without properly monitoring them during sedation.
The board found that Schafer "indiscriminately" gave ketamine to patients without first obtaining proper consent or medical clearance. The nursing board discovered that on seven instances, Schafer engaged in practices beyond his authorized scope.
Board Sanctions Aimed at Preventing Future Patient Harm
The board issued an emergency order of suspension against Schafer's license in September to prevent further risk to public safety. In November, Schafer and the board reached a consent agreement and order under which Schafer surrendered his license. The board found that suspension and eventual license surrender were necessary to "protect the public health and safety" from the "unprofessional conduct" demonstrated by Schafer.