BSN Programs
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If you are not an RN and you do not have a degree but are interested in the field of healthcare, some possible careers that do not involve obtaining a degree are medical billing and coding and medical assisting. Here are schools that offer programs in medical billing and coding and medical assisting (these are NOT nursing programs.)
Popular Online Healthcare Programs
Rasmussen University programs allow you to enroll in core courses every step of the way, helping you prepare to succeed in your industry. You'll gain the professional and technical skills needed to help you begin your healthcare career.
Enrollment: Nationwide
For the past 26 years, Ultimate Medical Academy, a non-profit, allied health school, has been committed to helping students succeed in their healthcare careers. That’s why they offer students a connected support system from the start of their education to beyond graduation.
The University of Scranton offers multiple online degrees in the growing healthcare industry. The comprehensive coursework is based on real-world scenarios and is equally rigorous and rewarding. The return on investment will be as big as the change you can make in a variety of healthcare leadership roles!
Enrollment: Nationwide